How Bridge Physiotherapy can treat Sciatic Pain.
Some people may also experience sciatica (also called nerve root or radicular pain). This is pain coming from a nerve in the spine and symptoms may include:
Pain into the legs
Tingling, pins and needles or numbness in the legs
How is it Sciatic pain diagnosed?
Diagnosis is usually made from a patient's history and a simple examination if required. Tests such as MRI scans are rarely needed for sciatic pain and may be advised only if there are symptoms to suggest that there may be a serious underlying cause for the symptoms.
Are there any signs or symptoms to be concerned about?
Sciatic pain is rarely a sign of a serious problem, however if you experience the following complaints you should seek urgent help via your nearest emergency department for urgent assessment.
Inability to pass urine when you feel the need to go
Inability to stop a bowel motion or leaking
Numbness in or around your back passage, buttocks or between your inner thighs
A change in ability to get an erection
Have pain in both legs and/or worsening weakness in the legs